Tag: Apps


27 April 2019 / / HealthTech

Having a clearly laid out workplace wellness program is one of the most effective ways of having an engaged and productive team in any organization. In addition, offering extended health benefits plans, your workplace wellness programs may include health awareness activities or organization-wide incentive plans to encourage healthy behaviors among employees.

03 September 2018 / / HealthTech

It’s crunch time. You and your team are all working late from home to get this super important proposal done on time. You’ve lost count of how many coffees you’ve had today, now you’re running on soda and popcorn. Finally you’re done, attach draft “FINAL_FINAL_2”, send email, and now it’s time for a bit of sleep before tomorrow’s meeting. Then it dawns on you - you have to take your thyroid medication, but you just wolfed down a whole bag of popcorn, and you can’t take your medication immediately after food. Looks like bedtime will have to wait.

If only you had used Intrepid Pillbox, with some scheduling magic.

26 June 2018 / / HealthTech

Adhering to a plan of medication or supplements is important. Unconsumed medication or supplements cannot be effective. On the flip-side, overdosing (whether accidentally or intentionally) can be dangerous. For some types of medication, the importance of strict adherence will be obvious. But even in the case of supplements, adherence leads to improved health outcomes.